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National TV Report!

The following are social initiatives with whom we have actively collaborated:​


E-Nabling The Future


E-Nable is a global community with more than 1,500 collaborators who work to allow everyone that needs a prosthesis to have one printed in 3D.



The Hand Challenge


The Hand Challenge is a challenge for children and for the youth of the world. It consists of 3D printing a hand prosthesis, building it, and then sending it to the USA. There they will ensure it is given to a child who has lost a hand, either from, malformation, or because of injuries received in war.


Girls in Lab


Girls in Lab is a social company charged with the objective of bringing more girls into the technological sector.


International Day of the Woman and the Girl on Science. 


3D printing workshops in collaboration with Gender and ICT at DTIC-UPF.


Testimonials from participants


“A very motivational experience that has allowed me to better plan my professional future. I would repeat it!”


Teresa Soto Sierra, Ripollet


“One intense week that allowed me to go deeper into a field that I thought was distant and unknown, that I loved and would repeat it"


Lis Ballesta Sànchez, Premià de Mar


“During this week I have learned a lot of things about the application of 3D printing on medicine from an engineering perspective which has helped me to know better what to do in my future”


Mayra Mita Gabriel, Sant Pere de Ribes


“3D printing is one of the biggest technological progressions. A new world for me. On this course they have taught us how easy, and fast, it is to go from holding a medical image of a patient, to have it printed in your hands.”

Dèlia Borda Fortuny, Bellcaire d’Urgell

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